Two Finnish ufologists reported in a well known ufology magazine in 1981 that in Rauma, Finland, on June 19, 1979, at 12:30, two witnesses that lived in a rural area were sitting in their living room with the window opened when one of them caught sight of a silvery gray metallic cupola shaped object resting on the ground not too far away.
The bottom of the object was blue black in color and it was emitting a blue-black beam of light from its middle section. The beam briefly swept the nearby woods then switched off.
Both witnesses had now seen the object and one of them decided to have a closer look. One witness walked very close to the object and was able to see that it rested on small metallic legs.
The upper part of the object was transparent and inside two small humanoids could be seen. They were described a very "ugly" with crooked beak like noses and covered with green brown spots, they had large bulging eyes, pointed chins, large mouths and pointed ears.
Both wore shiny gray helmets with antennae with a yellow line on the middle. They also wore black gloves and clothing. The witness was also able to see numerous gauges and levers inside the object. The being nearest to the witness made a sudden move and the witness was suddenly blinded and fell back. The craft then took off emitting a whistling sound.
The witness eyes were irritated for the next several hours and he was briefly in a state of shock.

(UFOs at Close Sight) A woman and her brother were driving just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on December 22, 1979, at 06:25, on a foggy evening, when they came upon a really heavy fog bank, entered a dense black cloud, and when they emerged, there was not any other traffic around.
The case surfaces 11 years later when a ufology bulletin tells about it and indicates they had lost 20 minutes of time, and that under hypnosis, they recalled seeing a swirling black cloud and three blond haired and very human looking figures approaching their vehicle.
They were about five-foot ten inches tall, wore gray green coveralls, took the main witness apparently into an object with a green interior while her brother was left in the car. The woman was later brought back to the car.

During the investigation of the well known Bebedouro UFO abduction, the team of Prof. Ney Matiel Pires encountered in that city, not too far from Mirassol, another UFO account related by Sr. Valdemir Menussi which occurred in February 1979. At that time Sr. Valdimir was working on topographical elevations for the region surrounding the approach to the bridge to Mendonca Lima and the bank of the Rio Grande in the Territory of Minas Gerais just to the north of Mirassol. On the 13th of February, Valdemir and four companions decided to fish the river as they waited for some kind of delivery service. At about 17:45 in the afternoon on this clear day, their attention was urgently drawn to a strange phenomenon taking place. A huge circular disc-shaped flying object of some 30 meters (nearly 100 feet) diameter approached and flew over the group at only some 300 meters above them.

The huge flying disc executed gentle, silent movements in all directions and occasionally discharged some fumes or gas from vents. About one hour later the huge ship was still there hovering stationary, a little to the south as the whole rim rotated slowly when suddenly, from the base, near the center, three luminous "tubes" of "blue neon light" were projected, like cylinders extended straight down from the ship to the surface of the river. They seemed to be transparent and were rotating, and looked like they were either discharging something into, or were drawing something from, the water.
After several minutes the "cylinders" were withdrawn from the water into the object, one at a time. A moment later the recessed opening at the left, on the rim, suddenly discharged a luminous beam, like electrical sparks, in the direction of the water. When the beam of sparks touched the water it became violently agitated in that local area. A few seconds later this ray of light disappeared and the recessed opening on the right side discharged another ray, similar to the one on the left, and repeated the same phenomenon of disturbing the water. Stunned by this remarkable spectacle, the five observers, each of them simultaneously, "received" the following telepathic message saying:
"Do not be afraid, nothing unpleasant will happen to you. Remain calm. We are working here. In the future Earth will know."
The second ray was stopped and the two recessed openings closed and disappeared completely, as though they had never existed. The huge object began to take on a blue luminescence, changing gradually to red and becoming more intense offering the observers a fabulous spectacular of light and color. In an instant the huge 100-foot disc-shaped craft projected itself straight up at incredible velocity and with little or no sound! The whole episode lasted one hour and twenty minutes.
As he narrated this account to Professor Ney, Engineer Valdemir displayed considerable emotion. His story was confirmed by the other four men. Now this is truly (sic) a remarkable account and should never be overlooked. Here were five expert observers, trained in the use of size, distance and elevation calculations, all engineers, all familiar with the need for technical accuracy, working on their job in full daylight, in full awareness and alertness of all their faculties, and least subject to delusion by darkness, clouds, haze or any other atmospheric phenomena because none of those existed at the time.
Their vision of the phenomenon was clear and unobstructed by anything for the whole time, and they were afforded ample time for detailed examination of the mammoth aerial craft, at close range, for one hour and twenty minutes! There were many other witnesses. How can this case be doubted?

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