"Rex Heflin is a Highway Accident Investigator for the Los Angeles County Highway Commission... he carried a Polaroid camera...[which] contained film rated at 3000 ASA... [On] Myford Road near Santa Ana... he spotted an unusual object approaching the road. He stopped the truck, grabbed the camera off the seat beside him and made three pictures as rapidly as possible... As the object moved away, Heflin... scrambled out of the truck and took his fourth and final picture... Heflin tried to contact his office by radio while the UFO was near [his vehicle], [but] the radio refused to operate." The radio operated correctly again after the object's departure. Heflin had a Polaroid camera because he normally used it to record highway obstructions or other problems.
Heflin was reportedly approached by a man who claimed to be from NORAD, to whom he gave the original Polaroids. Both NORAD and the Air Force denied having the photos.
NICAP investigators, including scientific advisors, also believed the photos were genuine. They claimed that frame 1 shows a swirl of material below the object, rising about a foot in the air.
The evening before, photos had been taken in Tulsa OK, Sherman TX, and then five days later in Beaver Falls, PA two more were taken. None of the photographed objects, however, bore any resemblance to each other.

The Los Angeles Subcommittee of NICAP, headed by Idabel Epperson, conducted a thorough investigation of the case, including a detailed character and background check, on-site investigation and measurements (by engineer John Gray), and photo analysis. Both Heflin and the newspaper cooperated fully in the investigation.
Richard Hall:
"Computer enhancement and other analysis was conducted by Robert Nathan at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, working with first-generation prints and copy negatives made by the newspaper. Among other things, the analysis established photographic evidence to confirm the (reported) "light beam" on the underside of the object. The Air Force issued a statement declaring the photographs a hoax, which was strongly disputed by NICAP."
Francis Ridge:
"Heflin said that he had turned over three of the four originals to a man (or two men, the stories differ) who claimed that he represented the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). NORAD denied that they had ever sent out an investigator or indeed that they had the slightest interest in the photos."
Bill Spaulding:
Unknown parties attempted to tamper with the evidence and manipulate information. The copy negatives were obtained from Heflin under false pretences, by someone pretending to be from the North American Air Defense Command. Years later, Bill Spaulding of Ground Saucer Watch using computer enhancement techniques reported finding a linelike marking above the object, suggestive of a supporting string, implying that the UFO was hoaxed by using a small model.
Jeffrey Sainio:
In 1993, MUFON photoanalyst Jeffrey Sainio reexamined Spaulding's work and rejected the string hypothesis: the alleged "line" clearly was either an artefact created by multigenerational copying of the photographs or a deliberately introduced marking to discredit Heflin. No such line was found in the originals by Nathan, the newspaper, or NICAP analysts.
Case information courtesy of UFO Phenomenon at Close Sight:
and photograph, USA, 1965

The sun had just set and the sky was clear. The moon had not risen, and Venus was clearly visible in the southeast.
As they were two miles west and two miles north of Saint George, Arthur Strauch was the first to spot a strange object which seemed to be 2000 feet above the ground and a quarter of a mile distant, in the direction of the northwest. After watching for about ten minutes from the car, the group drove down the road about a half-mile and stopped.
Mrs Grewe, Mrs Strauch, and Gary remained inside the car, while Mr Grewe and Mr Strauch got out to observe the object. Strauch observed it both with the naked eye and through 7x35 binoculars. Thus his description was the most detailed:
"I have no idea what it was. All I can report is that it was different from anything I had ever seen in the sky. I'm positive it was a machine driven by some inner power that has tremendous speed. The outline was unmistakable through my binoculars as that of a flying saucer."
"The rounded top of the dome was a metallic-silver gray that reflected the rays of the setting sun, turning the object into a large orange ball. Surrounding the dome were four small portholes that emitted a bright yellow light. Just below the windows or ports was an area that glowed a light blue. This light seemed to be a reflection of some inner light or perhaps exhaust. From the edge of the blue light's reflection to the edge of the flat saucer-like surface the outer ring was rotating counterclockwise, causing it to throw off an aurora or halo of light that changed from orange to white with an overall tinge of blue and green. The extreme outer edge of the saucer glowed a bright orange, and this part did not move or rotate."
At first they heard no sound. But then as the object flew over them, Grewe described the sound as a "whistling whine." Strauch called it a "high-pitched whining sound, as made by an electrical motor starting up."
Strauch, from out of the car, snapped a photograph just as the object began to move. Strauch used a Kodak Instamatic 804 camera with Ektachrome X color slide film. He had the focus set at infinity, and the shutter speed was set at 1/60th of a second.

Writer Dave Cosnette says, "On 26th February 1965, while Adamski was staying at Silver Spring, Colorado, he and a friend, Madeleine Rodeffer, witnessed another scout ship. Fortunately, Adamski's 'space brothers' had told him to have a cine camera ready and he caught the craft on film. William T. Sherwood, an optical physicist and former project development leader for Eastman-Kodak, spent a great deal of time analyzing this footage. His conclusions were that there were no signs of duplicity, and determined that the object was approximately 8 metres across. Analysts are still at a loss to explain how or why the craft distorts from frame to frame. Veteran aeronautics engineer Leonard Cramp suggests this was caused by a powerful gravitational field produced by the craft. Unfortunately every copy of the film has been stolen, so we may never know the answer." (© Dave Cosnette 2001) SEE ORIGINAL ARTICLE
On the other hand, FORGETO MORI says:
"The movie is often attributed to Madeleine Rodeffer, but even sources related to Adamski admit that the well known contactee is the culprit. Mrs Rodeffer herself admitted that. This detail is important because, as we can see, the footage shows the classic scout ship photographed (and drawn) over ten years before. That’s not a surprise since the cameraman was the same.
Japanese researcher Junichi Takanashi successfully reproduced the Adamski-Rodeffer footage. The model used by Adamski was three-dimensional, and didn’t hang like something suspended by a wire. And even though his scout ship had three outer spheres around a central one, in his footage we can only see two outer spheres around the central one.
All can be explained if we assume Adamski used half of a three-dimensional model glued to a sheet of glass. That explains the curious movements of the object as well as the “distortion” in its shape.

-- UFO Casebook

Source: Michael Lindemann / Center For Extraordinary Explorations (Sources: Above Top Secret, by Timothy Good, p.133f; Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact, by Jacques Vallee, p.24f)
Valensole is a small village in the South of France where, on July 1, 1965, in daylight at 05:45 p.m. farmer Maurice Masse reportedly heard a whistling sound and expected to see an helicopter arrive, but instead, he saw a car-sized egg-shaped craft with a door landing, resting on six legs with a central pivot in his lavender field. Masse saw two little occupants near the craft, and said that when these beings saw him approaching within 5 meters, they used some sort of paralyzing device on him and he could move anymore. He could however still see and hear, and described the beings as of the size of 8 years old boys, wearing tight fitting gray-green suits, big naked pumpkin-like heads with slanted eyes, lipless mouths and pointed chin. They uttered grumbling noises, and eventually returned inside, looking at him through the wall, retracted the gear in a thump and silently floated twenty meters away where it simply disappeared. Masse ran back to Valensole in panic, and thus the owner of Café des Sport saw him and asked what happened, which he partly told him, not mentioning the beings for fear of ridicule. He then made a more complete report to the Gendarmes, who question him 8 hours long.
In the next several weeks, Masse had his sleep cycle severely disrupted by hypersomnia, which he had never suffered of before. In the lavender field, traces of the object were found where the object had landed and the lavender died. Poltergeist-type effects have also been mentioned to have occurred at its ressidence after his UFO experience. Although everyone in Valensole told that Mr. Masse would never have invented a story like this, which was also the conclusion of all field investigators who talked to him, die-hard French skeptics were quick to say that he must have invented everything and must have created the landing trace himself, based on the argument that there can be no extraterrestrial visitors. Other die-hard skeptics such as Claude Maugé promoted the notion that it was just an helicopter - which makes Mr. Masse a liar altogether - some even indulging in the theory that it must have been a "US helicopter secretly spying France" as officials had made clear that no helicopter landing was logged there.

Courtesy of BJ Booth, UFO Casebook
Robert Campbell, Patrolman Peter McCollum, Sherman TX; Aug 2, 1965. 3 AM: "... a glowing UFO hovered near Sherman, TX. Broadcasting stations, police, and other agencies had been flooded with reports for hours. Television cameraman Robert Campbell was out with Patrolman Peter McCollum, interviewing witnesses and watching the objects for themselves. Campbell took a still picture of the hovering UFO[footnote 1] - a two minute time exposure while he and the police officer watched the thing. The picture was overexposed, possibly due to the brilliance of the UFO..."[footnote 2] "... I investigated 'on-location' at Sherman, TX... was photographed by television newsman Bob Campbell... He had been monitoring police calls on his radio and he left his home at 3:00 AM, armed with a 4x5 Speed Graphic and Tri-X film, to photograph the strange light he had heard reported on the police radio... "[footnote 3] "Shortly after midnight a news photographer for a local television station, heard on his short wave radio, two police highway patrols discuss reports of an UFO tracked on radar and streaking towards the Texas border. "The photographer took his 4x5 Speed Graphic camera and drove into town, where he met the Chief of Police. Together the two men searched for the object, and soon sighted it hanging stationary thirteen miles east of Sherman, on Highway 82. "Its outline was clearly defined in the north-eastern sky, and the photographer set up his camera. He took four exposures, two minutes each at three-minute intervals. The negatives have been carefully examined by Air Force scientific advisers and by astronomical experts. No acceptable explanation has been found for the object recorded on the negatives. It must be considered a UFO."
"The remarkable aspect of this particular incident is that, having been alerted by the same radio broadcast, several other individuals were also watching the object. Campbell and McCollum were one mile east of Bells, OK. Highway patrolman Bill Quires was watching from Durant, 30 mi north of Bells, and Department of Public Safety Dispatcher Jim Faglia was watching from a point seven miles south of Sherman, thus precluding the possibility that the object could have been a planet or a star."[footnote 5] The object's shape was a cylinder with "Mercury capsule" shape at one end, possibly rounded at other end. Several distinct bands around diameter of cylinder, with disc shaped "bosses" on surface. Bands of luminosity. An extrusion of luminosity from one band, and an ejection of an unknown material accompanied the object.

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