(From Answers.com) Elizabeth Klarer was the most prominent flying saucer contactee of the 1950s from South Africa. She was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, South Africa and rose out of obscurity in 1956 following an encounter with a spaceship reputedly from Alpha Centauri, of which she took a picture. She was received enthusiastically among South African UFO buffs who provided her with a platform to recount her encounters.
As Klarer's story unfolded, she claimed to have had an initial UFO sighting in 1917 and again in 1937. Finally, in 1954, while at her farm in Natal where she was born, she saw a saucer again. This time it flew close enough that she could see one of its occupants. Then on April 6, 1956, she was again at her farm in Natal when a saucer landed and she was taken aboard. The fair-haired and handsome person she had seen before introduced himself as Akon. The saucer took her to a large mothership, where she was shown pictures of Meton, Akon's home planet. She was given food, a vegetarian meal, and introduced to their culture. Two months later she saw the saucer again and took a picture of it as it flew above her farm.
She told this story at UFO gatherings in South Africa, and over the years reported additional contacts. The most important event in these later encounters was her developing romantic attachment to Akon, with whom she had a son. She claimed that at one point she stayed for four months on Meton and completed her pregnancy there. Her son could not live on Earth, but occasionally visited her. All of these events were discussed in her 1980 book, Beyond the Light Barrier. Although warmly received in South Africa, her story was not believed by North American and European UFO researchers. Except for the picture, weak evidence indeed, there was nothing to collaborate her story. She persisted in her claims, however, until her death in February of 1994.

Copyright 2009 by Esoteric-News.com
Elizabeth Klarer was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, where she grew up on a farm and soon learned to understand the Zulus very well. She was trained as a meteorologist at Cambridge, England. She later went to Trinity College, London, to study music, where she obtained a degree. She is also a pilot, and learned to fly the DeHaviland plane. During World War II she was employed by the South African Air Force Intelligence and during operations did work for the Royal Air Force decoding German communications. She was also trained to observe UFOs for the South African Air Force UFO Division. She has a son David, a daughter, Marilyn, who is now a medical specialist, and another son, Ayling ~ an astrophysicist living on another planet, which we will cover shortly.
Her fascinating story began at the age of seven when a flying saucer visited her near her home. Telepathic communication between Elizabeth and Akon, who was a crew member and scientist of the spacecraft, occurred several times. In April, 1956, on Flying Saucer Hill at Rosetta, Natal, the crew revealed themselves and Elizabeth Klarer was taken up into space and into the vintage mother ship. In November, 1957, on the high plateau of Cathkin Peak, in Drakensberg, Elizabeth Klarer entered the spacecraft to meet her new-found lover Akon.
During the next eight and a half months she endured harassment, especially from American intelligence forces, and on one occasion she was almost kidnapped by the Russians who wanted to capture the future space child. She was eventually taken by Akon to another solar system, our nearest neighbour, Alpha Centauri. There she stayed on the planet Meton for four months where she gave birth to and reared her space child, Ayling. Owing to the vibrations of the magnetic field being different on Meton, her heart was unable to adjust to the new pressures, and she was forced to return to Earth. Contact has been maintained and Akon and her son, Ayling, have both appeared to her visually in a projected holographic image.
In 1984 particular interest was shown in Elizabeth's experiences by the British Ministry of Defense and they announced that UFOs do exist and are now official. Elizabeth's story has attracted the attention of many countries, in particular, America, Britain and Russia. In 1975 she was given a standing ovation at the 11th International Congress for UFO Research in Germany. She was applauded by a group of scientists representing 22 nations where she gave a speech about the secrets of light. In 1983, she addressed the house of Lords in England, and her paper was also read at the United Nations. A few years ago she traveled to Switzerland to appear on a TV show. She has written a book entitled "Beyond the Light Barrier," and has now completed a second one, "The Gravity Files."

New York Times
Screen: 'Saucer' Story; Quasi-Documentary on 'Flying Objects' Bows
By A.H. WEILER Published: June 13, 1956
THE fact that truth can be more engrossing than fiction is quietly and effectively demonstrated in "Unidentified Flying Objects," which landed at the Mayfair yesterday.
Clarence Greene and Russell Rouse the producers, reportedly assembled their material over a period of two years. They have re-created in black-and-white and in heretofore classified color footage of "flying saucers" the astounding events that have perplexed and/or frightened civilians and the military alike since 1947.
If "Unidentified Flying Objects" is not as startling as an imaginary invasion by tiny, green men with pointed heads, it does, however, leave an impression of restrained documentation that is instructive and sobering.
Messrs. Greene and Rouse are concerned mainly with illustrating reports of unexplained aerial phenomena that have been seen and photographed, and showing that these observations have been verified by Air Force, Army and Navy experts. Specifically, their "story" is based on the experiences of Albert M. Chop, a Los Angeles newspaper man who was chief of the press section of the Air Material Command in Washington. He is played in an unadorned manner by Tom Towers.
Others portrayed in this quasi-documentary are Capt. Edward Ruppelt, who headed "Project Bluebook," the Air Force's designation of its official inquiry into "U. F. O.", and Maj. Dewey Fournet, Pentagon liaison officer. Warrant Officer Delbert C. Newhouse, Navy photographer, and Nicholas Mariana, Utah businessman, both of whom photographed "saucers" in flight, and Capt. Willis Sperry, American Airlines pilot who sighted them, "play" themselves.
Naturally, the color clips taken in Utah on July 2, 1952, by Newhouse and those shot by Mariana on Aug. 15, 1950, in Montana are of short duration. But the "objects"—seemingly small, silvery dots against a brilliant blue sky—are attested as genuine in the commentary of the principals.
The film-makers' meticulous depiction of the military's documentation has a tendency to slow matters. But through their obviously sincere effort to show that a vast majority of the more than 2,000 reports checked were proved erroneous, a viewer also would he inclined to go along with the disclosure that about 15 per cent of the reports are still officially designated as inexplicable: that, in effect, unidentified flying objects have been sighted. It must be noted too that the reproduction of the sudden appearance of a flight of fourteen giant, saucer-like, fantastically speedy unidentified "objects" over Washington International Airport in July, 1952, is more exciting than the foregoing investigations. But the alleged flight, as it is picked up on the radarscopes and as it nearly makes contact with jets sent up to intercept, has a theatrical tension and a spurious quality not present in preceding scenes.
"Unidentified Plying Objects" is not a specially imaginative example of movie-making. But in avoiding sensationalism the producers have given dignity to the "credible observations of relatively incredible things."
The Cast
UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, written by Francis Martin; directed by Winston Jones; produced by Clarence Greene; presented by Mr. Greene and Russell Rouse and released through United Artists. At the Mayfair.
Albert M. Chop . . . . . Tom Towers
Capt. Edward Ruppelt . . . . . Lieut. Robert Phillips
Maj. Dewey Fournet . . . . . Lieut. Floyd Burton
Radar Expert . . . . . Wendell V. Swanson
Mrs. Chop . . . . . Marie Kenna
Scientist . . . . . William Solomon
Nicholas Mariana . . . . . Himself
Warrant Officer Delbert C. Newhouse . . . . . Himself
Capt. Willis Sparry . . . . . Himself
Editor . . . . . Gene Coughlan

On the night of August 13-14, 1956, radar operators at two military bases in the east of England repeatedly tracked single and multiple objects which displayed high speed, as well as rapid changes of speed and direction. Two jet interceptors were sent up, and were able to see and track them in a brief series of maneuvers. According to official U.S. Air Force reports, the sightings could not be explained by radar malfunction or by unusual weather.
It began at 9:30 p.m. when Airman 2nd Class John Vaccare, of the U.S. Air Force at RAF Bentwaters, tracked one UFO on his Ground Controlled Approach radar (type AN/MPN-11A) as it flew 40-50 miles (65 to 80 km.) in 30 seconds, i.e. 4,800 to 6,000 mph (7,500 to 9,500 km./hr.).
A few minutes later Vaccare reported to T/Sergeant L. Whenry that a group of 12 to 15 unidentified targets was tracked from 8 miles (13 km.) southwest of Bentwaters to 40 miles (65 km.) northeast, at which time they "appeared to converge into one very large object, according to the size of the blip on the radar scope, which seemed to be several times larger than a B-36 aircraft [the largest operational bomber in history, with a wingspan of 230 feet or 70 m.]." The single large blip stopped twice for several minutes while being tracked, before flying off the scope.
At 10 p.m., a single unidentified target was tracked from Bentwaters as it covered 55 miles (90 km.) in just 16 seconds. This works out to over 12,000 mph (19,000 km./hr.).
Then, at 10:55 p.m., the Bentwaters GCA radar picked up an unidentified target on the same east-to-west course as the previous one, at an apparent speed of "2,000 to 4,000 mph" (3,200 to 6,400 km./hr.). Someone in the Bentwaters control tower reported seeing "a bright light passing over the field from east to west at about 4,000 feet [1,200 m.]." At about the same time, the pilot of a C-47 twin-engine military transport plane over Bentwaters said, "a bright light streaked under my aircraft travelling east to west at terrific speed." All three reports coincided.
Soon after, radars at Bentwaters and RAF Lakenheath reported a stationary object 20-25 miles (32-40 km.) southwest of the latter base. It suddenly began moving north at 400 to 600 mph (650 to 1,000 km./hr.), but "there was no build-up to this speed - it was constant from the second it started to move until it stopped." It made several abrupt changes of direction without appearing to slow for its turns.
Around 11:30 p.m., the RAF launched a deHavilland Venom jet interceptor, from RAF Waterbeach. According to the U.S. Air Force UFO report:
"Pilot advised he had a bright white light in sight and would investigate. At 13 miles [20 km.] west he reported loss of target and white light. Lakenheath (radar) vectored him to a target 10 miles [16 km.] east of Lakenheath and pilot advised (that) target was on his radar and was 'locking on.' Pilot then reported he had lost target on his radar.
"Lakenheath GCA reports that as the Venom passed the target on radar, the target began a tail chase of the friendly fighter. Radar requested pilot acknowledge this chase. Pilot acknowledged and stated he would try to circle and get behind the target. Pilot advised he was unable to 'shake' the target off his tail and requested assistance.
"One additional Venom was scrambled from RAF station. Original pilot stated: 'Clearest target I have ever seen on radar."
The following conversation between the two Venom fighter pilots was heard by the Lakenheath watch supervisor:
"Did you see anything?" [Pilot #2]
"I saw something, but I'll be damned if I know what it was." [Pilot #1]
"What happened?" [Pilot #2]
"He - or it - got behind me and I did everything I could to get behind him and I couldn't. It's the damndest thing I've ever seen." [Pilot #1]
The 1969 report by the Air Force-funded study at the University of Colorado under Dr. Edward U. Condon concluded:
"In summary, this is the most puzzling and unusual case in the radar-visual files. The apparent rational, intelligent behavior of the UFO suggests a mechanical device of unknown origin as the most probable explanation of this sighting. However, in view of the inevitable fallibility of witnesses, more conventional explanations of this report cannot be entirely ruled out."

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