by B J Booth
Gill was highly thought of by his co-hearts, and all those who knew him. As far as the occurrence of extraordinary events was concerned, Gill was skeptical, to say the least, especially being a devoted Church worker. The first hint of the events to come, began on April 5, 1959, when Gill saw a light on the uninhabited Mount Pudi. This light, Gill stated, moved faster than anything he had ever seen. A month later, his assistant, Stephen Moi, saw an "inverted saucer-shaped object" in the sky above the mission. Gill dismissed these sightings as some sort of electrical or atmospheric phenomena.
Soon, William Gill would have one of the most celebrated UFO sightings to ever be documented, which was validated by a whole group of additional witnesses. This extraordinary event would take place at 6:45 P.M., June 26, 1959. Father Gill saw what he described as a bright white light to the Northwest. Word of the sight spread quickly, and within a few moments, Gill was joined by no less than thirty-eight additional witnesses, including Steven Moi, Ananias Rarata, and Mrs Nessle Moi. According to sworn statements, these thirty-plus individuals watched a four-legged, disc-shaped object approximately the size of 5 full moons lined up end to end. This unbelievable craft was hovering over the mission! To their utter surprise, they saw four human-like figures that seemed to be performing a kind of task. Now and then one of the figures would disappear, only to reappear in a moment or two. A blue light would shine up from the craft at what seemed to be regular intervals.
The witness watched the craft and its activities for forty-five minutes, until the shining ship rose into the sky and disappeared at 7:30 P.M. The witnesses would see several smaller objects appear at 8:30, and twenty minutes later, the first craft reappeared. This phenomenal occurrence would last an incredible four hours, until cloud cover obscured the view.
This first sighting, a once in a lifetime occurrence, would incredibly be followed by another sighting the very next night. At 6:00 P.M., the larger object appeared again, with its occupants. It was shadowed by two of the smaller objects. In Gill's words: "On the large one, two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck. They were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or "setting up" something. One figure seemed to be standing, looking down at us." (In a moment of anticipation, Gill raised his arms and waved to the figure.)
"To our surprise the figure did the same. Ananias waved both arms over his head; then the two outside figures did the same. Ananias and myself began waving our arms, and all four seemed to wave back. There seemed no doubt that our movements were answered..." Gill and Ananias continued to occasionally wave, and their waves were returned. Another witness, Eric Kodawara, waved a torch, and there were acknowledgments from the craft. Gill went inside to eat, but when he came back, the craft was still there, only farther away (smaller). After a Church service, at 7:45, Gill again came outside to look for the craft, but clouds had appeared, and there was no sight of the object. The very next evening, the shining craft would make one more appearance.

(BELOW) Mudmen of New Guinea

"Gill's reports constitute the most remarkable testimony of intensive UFO activity ever reported to civilian investigators. They were unique because for the first time, credible witnesses had reported the presence of humanoid beings associated with UFOs."
The sighting at Papua brought about an unlikely allegiance among UFO research groups in Australia. The groups distributed copies of Reverend Gill's report to all of the members of the House of Representatives of Australia's Federal Parliament. An accompanying letter urged the leaders of government to request the Minister for Air to issue an opinion on the subject, not being satisfied with their initial, negative reaction. This letter did exact a reply. On November 24, 1959, E.D. Cash, who was a Liberal member of Parliament, asked the Minister for Air, F.M. Osborne, if they had even investigated the sightings at Papua. Osborne's response was that they were still waiting for more evidence before making an "official" report. In his own words; "Most sightings of UFOs are explained and only a very small percentage-something like 3 per cent-of reported sightings of flying objects cannot be explained."
The response of the Australian Minister for Air was to be taken lightly, considering the fact that they had not even interviewed Gill, until the Minister of Defense requested an investigation into the matter. The RAAF finally interviewed Gill in December 1959, some six months after the sightings. Gill related that the interview consisted of two officers who talked about stars and planets, and then left. He heard no more from the two. The RAAF finally released an opinion on the case... and a negative one at that. Squadron leader, F.A. Lang stated:

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON UFOs over Papua New Guinea, VISIT UFO Research Queensland:

Most people have been lead to believe that astronomers never see any UFO in the sky. The belief has been built by amateur skeptics and widely relayed in the media. Actually, telescopes and astronomy instruments are not at all ideal for capturing any UFO; they are also not capturing airplanes anyway and nobody would doubt the existence of airplanes by claiming that "astronomers don't see them in their telescopes". So, astronomers see UFOs with the naked eye mostly, as more knowledgeable skeptics could tell you. However, there are also cases where UFOs were captured by astronomers using telescopes.

He has decided to take some photographs of the moon through his telescope. When he developed the series of photographs, he noticed that one of those captured 34 bright objects arcing in a line formation away from the moon.
He then checked his telescope for any possible fault. There were none. He checked the negatives with a magnifier for faults, such as mecanical scratches. He found none. So he sent the photographs to Project Blue Book for examination.
Project Blue Book investigated. They checked any possible commonplace explanation and found none. For example, they checked if some static electricity discharge could have occurred and result in some similar effect on the photograph. They dismissed this possibility. However, any explanation was better than none to them, so they concluded that static electricty discharge had to be the explanation.

(FROM Wikipedia)

While most contactees have religious revelations to impart after their "experiences," Menger came back from his saucer-rides with a far more practical message: a new outer-space-approved diet for losing excess weight. Later he issued a 33-1/3 rpm recording of "music composed by space aliens." When he was still young he moved with his parents to the rolling hills of Hunterdon County, New Jersey. His first alleged contact with a person from another planet was at the age of ten, in the woods near his hometown High Bridge. Shortly after leaving high school, he entered the Army and was attached to the 17th Tank Battalion. In later life he was often employed as a sign painter. He died on February 25, 2009 at the age of 87.
One of the original flying saucer contactees of the 1950s, Howard Menger emerged in 1956 when he told his story to late-night radio talk show host Long John Nebel. Three years later, his book From Outer Space to You appeared. Menger told of contacts that began when he was only ten years old. The original contact was with a beautiful blonde woman whom he met in person but who communicated via telepathy. Other contacts followed with other humanoid beings. Then in 1946, the woman disembarked from a spaceship and announced that a wave of contacts was in humanity's immediate future as many space people were coming to Earth to assist in solving its problems.
In 1956, in the wake of the publicity given contactee George Adamski, Menger took some photos of flying saucers, and claimed he took a ride in a Venusian ship. Following his appearance on Nebel's show, he was a guest on a national television shows hosted by Steve Allen and Jack Paar. The television exposure led to attacks by critics. An examination of his pictures led to denouncements that they were a hoax, and they caught Menger lying about his having read (and drawing material from) Adamski's books. Amid the controversy, a young blonde woman came to a gathering at the Menger home. He recognized her as the sister of the space person who had originally contacted him as a child. They began an affair and were eventually married. The woman, Connie Weber, wrote her story, which was published in a book under the pseudonym Karla Baxter. It actually appeared in 1958, a year prior to Menger's first book.
Visit the official Menger website:

On February 24, 1959, an American Airlines four-engine DC-6 airliner captained by Peter Killian, sighted three flying saucers. Crew and passengers observed them for 45 minutes. Other airliners were radioed and also reported seeing the same three objects. Here was an unmistakable refutation to Air Force claims that there is no such thing as a flying saucer. Yet, within days, this sighting became the most incredible snafu in flying saucer history. Because of it, airline pilots have become involuntary members of a new "society of angry men". What are the facts to this historic case?
In order to evaluate what has become known as the "Orion Belt" sighting, it is necessary to describe the sighting in precise detail before going on to the various explanations and analyses offered by various authorities, and by the ever-acrobatic gyrations of the Air Force Spokesman type of public relations, intelligence and secrecy classifications. It all began at 7:10 p.m. on February 24, 1959 aboard a DC-6 leaving Newark Airport enroute to Detroit, non-stop. At the controls was Captain Peter Killian, a pilot of twenty years experience, fifteen of them piloting airliners for a total of more than four million miles. For a change, the story hit the nation’s headlines, and typical of the unusually accurate stories published is the one presented by the Detroit Times, which we quote with capable reporting in mind, particularly of the type presented by Al Leaderman, star writer for the Times:
Thirty-five passengers aboard a Detroit-bound American Airlines DC-6 watched with awe last night as three illuminated "flying saucers" escorted the ship through the dark sky for 45 minutes.
Both passengers and crew members on the plane which left Newark nonstop for Detroit at 7:10 p.m. viewed the phenomena while questioning each other, their own powers of observing and their sanity.
Probably the most startled was Capt. Peter Killian of Syosset, N. Y., who has flown passenger planes for 15 years and "never saw anything like it before."
Killian even radioed two other American Airlines planes flying in the vicinity to make sure "I wasn’t seeing lightning bugs in the cockpit."
BOTH OTHER captains called Killian back to assure him he wasn’t – they saw the saucers, too.
The captain and co-pilot, John Dee of Nyack, N. Y., said they lost the three strange objects in the haze when they started their descent for landing at Metropolitan Airport while they were over Lake Erie.
N. D. Puscas, 41, of 30835 Barton, Garden City, a passenger, told the Times that while he was no exponent of flying saucers he saw the strange objects "dancing in the sky."
Puscas, general manufacturing manager of Curtis Wright division at Utica, asked that before his version of what he saw was printed, it be corroborated by the pilot.
"I don’t want to be quoted alone," Puscas explained. "People might get the idea that I’m the little boy in the corner with a dunce cap on his head."
KILLIAN SAID: "We were flying around 8,500 feet between Philipsburg and Bradford, Pa., at 8:45 p. m. when I looked off to the south and saw three yellowish lights in a single horizontal line overhead.
"At first, I thought it was the Belt of Orion (a group of stars in a constellation) but then I took a second look and saw both the Belt and the foreign objects."
"When Dee caught the expression on my face he asked me if my eyes were tired. I then pointed in the direction of the "things" and asked him if there were any lightning bugs in the cockpit.
"The objects were by no means close to the plane, but one would move in at intervals, fall back again, and change its place in the formation while keeping abreast of the ship, which was traveling at 350 miles per hour."
At the MCMath-Hulbert Observatory of the University of Michigan, at Lake Angelus, Dr. Orren C. Mohler, assistant director, said:
"There is no astronomical explanation of the reported sightings. I know of nothing that occurred in the skies last night that could account for the objects described."
"Deciding it might be an after-dinner treat for his passengers, Killian talked to them over the intercom.
He started off jokingly by telling them that he didn’t want them to get the idea he was losing his mind but he thought some "flying saucers" were trailing the plane.
He prefaced his intercom comment with:
"Don’t get excited. I’ve had only a cup of tea with my dinner."
THE PASSENGERS peered out, saw the objects and began guessing what they might be.
"It couldn’t have been an apparition," Killian continued, "because all the others on the plane saw them too.
"All in all, the objects traveled in our direction for about 45 minutes," Killian said.
"During the time I kept watch on the radar screen but saw nothing on it.
"At one time I thought it might be a high altitude jet refueling operation, but the varying intensity of the lights and the changing positions of the objects made me toss out that theory."
KILLIAN SAID he also radioed the tower at Metropolitan to notify CIRVIS of the sighting. CIRVIS, he said, was a civilian agency which investigates UFOs – unidentified flying objects.
Killian, a flier since 1929 with more than four million commercial air miles, said the objects gave off a "yellowish glow."
The captain is married and has three children. His wife is Kay; the children, Peter M., 14; Stephen, 13, and Kathleen, 6.
PUSCAS PRAISED Killian’s actions in informing and chatting with the passengers about the sight.
"The way he broke the news to is was very clever. No one panicked or showed any signs of worry. Everyone immediately began to show a keen interest in what was going on. He did a fine job.
"There wasn’t a cloud in the sky when I looked out and saw the objects in precision formation. They were round-like and every now and then one would glow brighter than the other as if it had moved nearer to the plane.
"I have been making that same trip a number of times because the home office is in New York but I have never experienced anything like that before."
THE PLANES two hostesses, Edna Le Gate, 22, and Beverly Pingree, 25, said today they were still puzzled over the objects.
Miss Le Gate, of Walton, Ariz., whose birthday was yesterday, said:
"I don’t know what they were. I’m a terrific science-fiction fan, but I know what I saw."
There are the basic facts. Added to them, secured by later interviews, we can list the following: Visibility was 100 miles. There were broken clouds below the plane, at 5,000 feet. All the sky above that layer was absolutely clear. Captain Killian at first guessed the objects were a mile distant, but says this was just an impression, since he cannot estimate their size. On later consideration, he was of the opinion that they were not that close. The DC-6 was flying at 8,500 feet when the objects were sighted. All lights inside the plane were switched off to afford the passengers a better view. Two other American Airlines planes were radioed. One informed Killian that he had been observing the objects for from ten to fifteen minutes when Killian radioed him. This plane was north of Killian’s position. The other plane was near Toledo, and he readily discerned the objects upon searching for them in response to Killian’s directions.
Meanwhile, independent sightings were being made by United Airlines crews. Captain A. D. Yates reported tracking the objects visually from 8:40 p.m. to 9:10 p.m., between Lockhaven, Pennsylvania and Youngstown, Ohio. Flight engineer L. E. Baney was also a witness on this plane. In addition, United Airlines Flights 321 and 937 encountered the objects while flying west of Newark. While observations were going on, radio discussion concerning them was carried on by the planes. All pilots and flight engineers agreed as to what they were seeing, and stated that they were separate vehicles on a formation course, from which they occasionally deviated somewhat, only to return to formation.
Ground witnesses added to the confirmation. At Akron, Ohio the Akron UFO Research Group, an organization of flying saucer spotters, sighted the three objects between 9:15 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. Over 100 separate reports have come in to the editors of FLYING SAUCERS from the New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin area for the same night, all generally agreeing as to the number of objects, although there were scattered instances of one object or two, or as many as six.
Later, Hugh McPherson of Radio Station WCHS, Charleston, West Virginia, recorded an interview on tape between himself and Captain Killian, in which additional facts were disclosed concerning the sighting. The objects, said Killian, changed color during the sighting. The last of the three objects would change position several times, going higher than the other two. Then it would dip down under the other two before resuming its normal position to the rear. At one time, one of them disappeared, leaving only two. At another time, all three objects vanished, only to reappear suddenly. The three objects were seen in the section of the sky where the constellation Orion is visible. However, Captain Killian had both the three stars of Orion’s Belt and the three U.F.O.s in sight at the same time, and said he could not have mistaken one for the other. Passengers on the Killian plane had requested him to fly closer, for a better look, but he did not deem it within safety regulations for him to do so.
It will be interesting now to repeat the various Air Force comments on these sightings, as they were issued. On February 28, the Air Force said: ". . . pilots may have been seeing stars instead of ‘unidentified flying objects’ in a recent flurry of flying saucer reports. The Air Force Technical Intelligence Agency at Wright-Patterson Air force Base, Dayton, Ohio, gave the opinion. It said the crew of an Air Force transport flying between Washington and Dayton made a report similar to those by the crews of two commercial airliners who reported seeing bright moving objects in the skies Tuesday night, February 24, 1959 in the Pennsylvania-Ohio area. The Air Force transport was flying under a broken cloud overcast at about 8,500 feet altitude. Experts of the Technical Intelligence Agency (the word intelligence is purely technical) said they believed the pilots may have sighted stars, especially the formation of Orion."
A letter from Major Lawrence J. Tacker, Executive Officer, Public Information Division, Office of the Information Service, Department of the Air Force, Washington, D. C., to Bob Barry, Director Aerial Phenomena Investigations Society, 328 North 6th Street, Olean, New York, states as follows:
"The American Airlines sighting of 24 February new Bradford, Pennsylvania, turned out to be a B-47 type aircraft accomplishing night refueling from KC-97 tankers. The American Airlines pilot’s report of the sighting confirmed this and Air Force records show that three B-47 type aircraft were in the vicinity of Bradford, Pennsylvania, on a night refueling operation. The tanker has several groups of lights which at a distance would appear to be one or more lights. The time duration of a refueling operation varies, can last well over an hour, depending on the type of operation. The KC-97 refueling a B-47 will fly at approximately an altitude of 17,000 feet at around 230 knots. This would account for the lights being approximately 30 degrees above the American Airlines pilot’s horizon and his seeing them for 40 minutes."
Even in this letter, we have confusion. Either it was one B-47 and two KC-97 tankers; or it was three B-47s and an unstated number of tankers. Further, only the tanker has the lights which might explain the American Airlines pilot’s sighting, and would have to have the faculty of disassociation, one from the other, so that the one mounted on the rear could climb above the other two, dip below them, then return to the rear. If Major Tacker cannot say from Air Force records exactly what kind and number of planes was in the vicinity that night, it would seem that Air Force records are vague indeed, if in fact any records such as described actually exist. Perhaps it would be better to refer to Major Tacker’s Division as the Public Mis-information Division, Office of Mis-information Services (services of doubtful value to the public).
The day following the Killian sighting, the New York Herald Tribune, wishing to give it readers the facts, queried the Air Force about the sighting, shared by crews of six American and United flights on the night of February 24. On March 1, the Air Force answer appeared in the newspaper. There was much in the answer that had nothing to do with the February 24 sighting such as references to "people who can’t remember anything when they sober up the next day"; people who are either deluded by ordinary objects or are outright liars. No, the Air Force didn’t say that Killian and his five fellow pilots were drunkards, but the implication was there by these unnecessary associations. The Air Force knows quite well that airline rules prohibit drinking, particularly before flights. The reply, in effect, was a slur, since it branded the crews of the planes as incompetent observers, or deluded, and belittled the intelligence of all the passengers who saw the flying objects.
Radio Station WOR, in New York, on its "Long John" show, interviewed First Officer Dee. Here it was explained by Dee that the sky above the plane had been "very clear". It was also revealed that the plane’s crew had actually considered the possibility that what they were witnessing was a refueling operation, but that they had discarded it, except for checking upon landing if such flights were actually in progress that night and getting a negative answer.
Overlooked by the Air Force is one of the most important factors of the 45-minute sighting, which no doubt is overlooked because even Air Force mental calisthenics cannot hurdle it, specifically the constant radar watch maintained by Captain Killian and his crew during the sighting. At no time were there any objects detected by the radar screen. There can be no question that, had these objects been either B-47s or KC-97s, there would have been a powerful signal received on the radar screens of all planes included in the sighting. This one fact alone rules out any refueling operation. Captain Killian’s estimate of distance is varied, of course, ranging from one mile to an unknown distance, but based on the angles of sightings from other planes, the distance cannot be too great. Certainly at all times within efficient radar range.
American Airlines, contrary to its usual policy, seemed to be startled out of its equanimity sufficiently to issue a public statement on February 26th that its pilots had had a considerable number of sightings in the midwest, where this particular sighting had occurred.
Asked about the color changes of the objects, Captain Killian later stated that they had changed from yellow to bluish white, and ranged from extreme brilliance to temporary fade-outs. No pattern was discernible in these fluctuations, and apparently no attempt at intelligent signaling.
In Major Tacker’s report, the speed of the supposed refueling planes was given as 230 knots, or around 270 miles per hour. Yet, when questioned, Captain Killian said it was not only safety regulations which persuaded him not to chase the mysterious objects upon the request of the passengers, but the fact that he obviously did not have sufficient speed to catch up with the UFOs, since his own speed was 350 miles per hour.
If it was the Air Force’s purpose to warn all airline pilots that they would be openly ridiculed if they reported sighting flying saucers, it worked to some degree, because many airline pilots have stated that they will never report any unusual objects sighted in the air. However, other pilots are not taking the matter so negatively. They have been aroused, and a movement is underfoot to form a private organization to combine their testimony and present it to Congress to force the issue out into the open.
The Newark Star-Ledger published a report that the Civil Aeronautics Administration has been tracking unidentified flying objects by radar in all parts of the United States. If the truth were known concerning radar tracking of UFOs, the result might be startling indeed.
A group of fifty commercial pilots who fly into Newark, which is one of the busiest air freight ad passenger centers in the world, are of the opinion that the Air Force policy of secrecy on UFOs is just plain silly. Every one of the fifty pilots had reported to the Air Force seeing at lease one flying saucer. Each had been questioned and then told, in effect, that he had seen a mirage. Then to cap it off, he was warned that if he told anyone else what he had seen, he might face up to ten years in prison for revealing military secrets. To the pilots, this makes no sense. If the UFOs are mirages, as the Air Force claims, why all the secrecy? And if they are military secrets, why does the CAA bother to track them by radar?
"They are very strict about requiring us to report the mysterious objects – then they are downright insulting in telling us we haven’t really seen anything." Was the gist of the pilots’ complaints.
Truly the attitude of the Air Force is becoming utterly ridiculous, and in fact, of actual disservice to the nation as a whole. It seems time that a more respectful policy is adopted, and a more efficient one, less conductive of engendering distrust of the capability of the Air Forces in the public mind. Certainly it is not too much to ask that all military personnel measure up to "conduct becoming a gentleman" in the tradition of the American armed forces.
The ‘Orion Belt" incident has, in effect, been a sound strapping for the Air Force Intelligence Crew, and will most certainly prove to be embarrassing in the future. It will no longer be possible to keep the anger of the competent pilots and crews of our commercial airlines in check, and to intimidate them concerning the reporting of what they know to be facts and not delusions, or "delirium tremens" due to guzzling whiskey. There is no more responsible person than the commercial airline pilot, nor more intelligent.
What Captain Killian and a hundred other competent people, saw on the night of February 24, 1959, was not a group of stars known as "Orion’s Belt". Of that you can be sure. And the other thing you can be sure of is that the Air Force public announcements concerning the sighting are pure drivel. It is irresponsible and unsatisfactory, and the citizens of America have every right to demand that an immediate change be made.
We wonder what would happen if all Airline pilots carried a good camera with telephoto lens at all times? Considering the number of sightings commercial pilots have, there should soon be an impressive number of good photos of "Orion’s Belt" to present to the public. FLYING SAUCERS offers to print any photo, even if presented anonymously, which can be shown to be a legitimate image of a sighting such as are being kept quiet by pilots who can see nothing to reward them for reporting except public insults and attacks upon their intelligence and integrity and ability.

Frederick Moreland worked at the Woodbourne station of the New Zealand Royal Air Force, his wife Eileen Moreland worked in the weekend as nurse helper and in the week at their farm on the old road of Renwick, near Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand. It was dark and cold, with no wind, and a cloud cover at some 700 meters.
In the morning of July 13, 1959 at 05:30, still a little sleepy, she went outside to milk the cows and started to cross the three acres yard in front of the farm to gather the cows.
She then saw that there was a bright green light among the clouds, which puzzled her because it was the wrong place for the moon. When she had arrived halfway in the yards' meadow, she saw two large green lights "like eyes", surrounded by an orange circle, igniting in the cloud and going down quickly.
The worrying green light lit all the meadow, she looked at her hands and saw that she was bathed in this green glow too and thought that she should not be here. She thus ran among the cows bathed in the green light into a group of pines on the other side of the meadow and stood there to observe.
She then saw a gleam in the shape of a saucer with two green lights at the underside coming down. The air had become very hot. Two lines of jets around the object projected colored orange flames. The bottom seemed to be of a metallic grey color. There was a weak buzz in the sky.
The object stopped its descent smoothly at approximately 10 meters above the ground and at approximately 5 meters above a group of peach trees of 3 to 5 meters in height. The jets were of a brilliant orange color, with greenish centers, and weakened on the outside, passing from orange to the yellow. They made a weak whistling noise. When the descent stopped, the jets were immediately cut, then reappeared at an angle. Each band of the jets started to enter in rotation in opposite directions at high speed, the higher band from the right to the left, and the lower band from the left to the right, turning at such a speed that the bands of lights became continuous, "like halos."
The apparatus had the form of a section of cylinder, the edge being of 2.50 to 3 meters in height and the diameter of 7 to 10 meters. The two bands of jets were one along the high edge and the other along the low edge. A light started in what seemed to be a vitreous cap or a dome of glass; which shone, while the object hovered near the center of the meadow above the group of each trees, approximately 40 meters from where she stood.
She saw two characters of human silhouettes sitting in the dome, separated one from the other of more than the length of an arm, and wearing quite adjusted suits of a shining material which was like aluminum foil. These suits folded at each movement and reflected the light. Silvery helmets started from their shoulders and she could not see their faces because they were not facing her.
The character at the back stood up and put two hands in front of him as if he leaned to look at the ground or to look at a twinkling light source between him and the other character in front of him, then he sat again. The other character remained motionless.
After a minute or two, the craft was slightly bent, the bands of jets turned off, then were re-ignited, without rotation. There was a strong hot air draught that reached Mrs. Moreland, and the craft rose vertically with its body always at a slight angle, accompanied by a very strong, almost unbearable, and high pitched whining sound, and it was lost from sight in the clouds. There was then a strange hot odor that Mrs. Moreland with compared with that of pepper and that thereafter was suggested to be the odor of ozone.
Eileen Moreland was so dumbfounded that she remained in the group of trees during one moment not knowing what to do. Then she decided to resume her normal tasks and gathered the cows, which had not reacted much to the object as only one or two did get up. She felt shaken a little shaken and embarrassed, not knowing at all what to make about what she had seen. She entered then the house and woke her husband, who had worked in night shift, and who did not make fun of her as she had feared, but asked her whether she had had phoned the police force or the Air Department. She told him she had not, and although she thought nobody would believe her she then phoned the police, who seemed interested. Her husband phoned the Air Force at Woodbourne.
An article about the sighting including descriptions of Mrs. Moreland was published in the Nelson Evening Mail newspaper. It created such interest that their farm was plagued by hordes of inquisitive sightseers, with people wandering all over the property, uninvited, leaving gates open, upsetting the cows and generally creating such a nuisance that the Morelands said that if this should happen again they would not tell about it. Drawings of the craft and occupants were made.
She was visited by the police and a representative of the Air Force, R. Healey, Operations Officer, and F. Simpson, a pilot, as well as an aviation engineer, D. Thynne, who requested a detailed sketch of the object. The Air Force personal indicated that residual radiation had been detected where the object was seen.
Mrs. Moreland underwent a series of audiotone tests in Wellington, supervised by Air Force personnel, to determine the noise levels of the object. The tests showed that the hovering noise was at 15.000 cycles and the high-pitched climbing noise at 150,000 cycles.
Thynne stated that he was "willing to believe that there might be something in it. Most of the people here are interested and have an open mind on it. They don't scoff and are willing to consider it."
The director of the Observatory of Casing, professor I. L. Thomsen, was also interested by the report and stated that although he did not see a persuasive proof of the existence of UFOs so far, the report was more than that of a simple unexplained light in the sky and that he would have liked to interview Mrs. Moreland right after the event.
It was later noticed that the row of fruit trees beneath the position where the UFO had hovered died and had to be pulled out. On the contrary, grass in the vicinity grew much faster, becoming several times taller and much greener than grass elsewhere.
On June 24, 1967, professor James McDonald arrived in New Zealand and interviewed a certain number of witnesses of UFO sightings in this country, and he questioned Mrs. Moreland, noting that the craft that she described was similar to that seen by another witness he had interviewed in New Zealand. She was also interviewed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and both scientists were very impressed by her account of the incident.
A source mentions the physical effects undergone by Mrs. Moreland: after several days, her hands started to swell and patches of brown color developed on her face. She showed these symptoms to her doctor. The swelling gradually disappeared, but the brown patches on her face persisted much longer, with the last spot, above her right eyebrow, disappearing only six years later.
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